Dry Skin Treatment in Surat

In most cases, Dry Skin responds well to lifestyle measures, such as using moisturizers and avoiding long, hot showers and baths. If you have a very dry and scaly skin, we may recommend you use an over-the-counter (nonprescription) cream that contains lactic acid or lactic acid and urea. If you have a more serious Dry Skin Disease, such as atopic dermatitis, ichthyosis or psoriasis, we may prescribe prescription creams and ointments or other Dry Skin Treatment in addition to home care. Sometimes dry skin leads to dermatitis, which causes red, itchy skin. In these cases, dry skin treatment may include hydrocortisone-containing lotions. If your skin cracks open, your doctor may prescribe wet dressings to help prevent infection.

Moisturizing the skin daily helps alleviate dry skin. It reduces irritation and prevents the issue from recurring. Taking care of dry skin usually isn’t a task. Your skin needs to stay as hydrated like the rest of your body. A few steps added to your skincare regimen can relieve you of itchy and flaky skin. One should also maintain proper diet and exercise to keep the Dry Skin Treatment constant. The number of treatment may vary upon certain individual characteristics.

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